Foundations of Health

Remember, optimal health and vitality begins with these six foundational principles:

  • Thoughts.  Healthy thoughts create healthy bodies
  • Breathing.  Focusing your attention on deep healthy breathing reduces stress
  • Hydration.  For optimal health drink 0.5 oz. of water for every pound of your bodyweight daily 
  • Nutrition.  Eat high quality organic food that is right for your biochemical individuality 
  • Sleep.  Getting to bed before 10:30pm every night will promote optimal health 
  • Exercise and movement.  Exercise regularly and include energy building exercises for vitality
  • There is no good or bad or bad exercise, rather it is the right exercise for the right person, at the right time, and performed the right way.
  • Exercise is a stress and every session has a cost. Balance your training with the right amount and quality of recovery to ensure the effects are positive.
  • Fitness is made up of many factors. The fitness to run a marathon is very different from that required to sprint 100m, throw a discuss, or compete as a bodybuilder. The type of training that you should do depends on your particular goals.
  • Like the saying goes: if you fail to plan you are planning to fail. Get clear about your goals and set objectives for your training.