The Enlightened Breath Project
First Saturday of each month at 9:00am
Are you tired of not getting results "working out" and feeling stuck? I teach a "work in" approach that will calm the busy/monkey mind from everyday life.
A true holistic approach to life is a complete approach. Many people have the physical aspects covered, and yet do not realize that is only one part. Mental, emotional and spiritual health are just as vital for optimum health.
You will leave my class feeling whole, grounded, and calm in these chaotic, uncertain times. Learn techniques to tap into this feeling at will throughout your day.
First Saturday of the month at 927 Sam Houston Ave., Hunstville, TX 77340. (Kung Fu San Soo School). $20.00/ 60 minute group class
Instructor: Michelle Oates, B.S. Kinesiology Texas A&M Cum Laude, Check Practitioner 1, Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Certified Doterra Essential Oil Specialist, Kung Fu San Soo 5th Degree Black Belt; oatesmichelle@hotmail.com, Instagram @kaizen_holistic_health, (936)438-2032 (text ok)